Tutoring Resources


Carol Tell Morse, Writing Tutor 

Grace Hopper, Room 24, in the Basement between entryways D and E

Carol Tell Morse is the Grace Hopper Writing Tutor, 2024-25.  She will work with you on your writing at any stage of the process. If you want to brainstorm an idea, get constructive feedback on a draft, or focus on a specific writing issue, feel free to make an appointment (typically 30-45 minutes). You may bring in your notes or an essay draft on the day of the appointment, or you may email a draft prior to the appointment (recommended, especially if it’s a longer paper). No draft is too rough. Schedule online or by email (carol.morse@yale.edu). Her office (Grace Hopper 24) is in the basement between entryways D and E. When she isn’t in Grace Hopper, Carol Morse teaches writing classes in the English Department. Before coming to Yale, she taught at the University of Michigan, so feel free to ask her about Michigan football. She lives in nearby Hamden with her family and two Australian Shepherds. 

Tutorial Hours:

M: 10-1

W: 10-12

F: 11-2​

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