

Welcome Class of 2028

Dear HoppFrosh,

Greetings! and e-welcome to Grace Hopper College!

As Head and Dean, we work together to oversee college culture and operations, and students’ trajectories and well-being. Take a peek at the website here for more about who we are and what we do, and while you’re at it, check out Hopper’s general awesomeness – including its traditions, intramurals, and our namesake Grace Murray Hopper, aka “Amazing Grace,” an inspiration to all.

Your First-year Counselor or FroCo, one of a group of fabulous seniors who will live with your class on Old Campus, is well-versed in all things Yale. The FroCos help incoming students make the transition to college. In addition to providing advice about academics, your counselor will help with all kinds of personal queries. First-years—also known as Frosh—will hear from the FroCos directly, so keep an eye out for messaging from them later in the summer.

You’ll also be assigned an advisor from among the Fellowship of Grace Hopper College shortly before fall term begins. The Fellowship advisors are knowledgeable about overall academic planning, and wise about life in general. They’ll play an important role as you navigate the first year of your Yale academic career. 

Grace Hopper College is special in many ways. It was renamed in 2017, and the college was much in the news as Yale discussed and debated its naming practices. Our college community participated wholeheartedly. We were, and are, a strong, solidary, self-reflective group – comfortable with complexity and difference, whether of backgrounds, intellectual styles or personal views and opinions. When you arrive on campus, you’ll find that the FroCos, as well as either of us, will be happy to talk with you about the many fascinating aspects of Grace Hopper College history and life. 

Hopper is a warm and friendly college, and we’re eager to welcome the wonderful Class of 2028 as our newest family members. We can hardly wait to get acquainted with you as you become a part of this very special place. Boola boola! 

Head Moyn & Dean Francis

Congratulations and best wishes to Class of ‘24!

Revisiting the Renaming gallery in GH basement

Stop by the Revisiting the Renaming gallery across from the Buttery. Thanks to Helen Tejada, Zach Ledesma, and Eddie Cavallin for their incredible work, which made the exhibit possible, and David Foster and Kate Williams for their invaluable contributions to revitalizing the Fellows Lounge. Hoppers are keeping the historical flame alive!   

Grace Hopper Gallery image 1

GH Gallery image 2


Una imus in altum (Grace Hopper College motto: “Into the deep heaven we go”)

Grace Hopper Courtyard


New Hopper College windows acknowledge past, celebrate present

Photo by Dan Renzetti

By Mike Cummings | August 25, 2022

Twelve new decorative windows installed today in Grace Hopper College, the Yale residential college previously known as Calhoun College, celebrate the richness of the college’s community and contemplate the complex history behind its name.

The windows, which will be unveiled during an open house on Sept. 12, replace panes that had commemorated the life of John C. Calhoun 1804 B.A., 1822 LL.D, an influential champion of slavery for whom the college was originally named, and paid homage to an antebellum southern society that was built on the backs of enslaved people. The removed windows are now housed at the Yale University Library’s Manuscripts & Archives Department, where they are available for research.

Read more on YaleNews >>

Puppy Handsome Dan’s and Heidi’s first Hopper visit (pix, David Foster GH ‘23)

Handsome Dan